
Lilia’s Place is the loving result of the heartfelt passion of Doug and Lisa Simpson to help the people of the Philippines. Leaving behind successful careers, their two sons, family and friends they began their mission in 2009 in Cebu City on the Island of Cebu. Accompanied by their daughter, Lilia’s Place namesake, the Simpson’s missionary work is a never ending quest to serve the hearts and souls of the people of the Philippines.

Doug and Lisa Simpson

Doug and Lisa Simpson


The Lilia's Place Staff

Alaric Del Rosario - Manager

Irish Del Rosario - Nurse/Health Services Coordinator

Marcelyn Tolentino - Principal

Fernan Gantalao - Teacher

Richie Davis - Teacher

Razel Busmion - Teacher

Aida Payahay - Teacher

Jelle C. Bagante - Teacher

Lanz Tebio - Minister

Vincent Camongay - Minister

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Lilia's Place, Inc. Board of Directors include: 

Mark Sanders, M.D.
Randy Regas
Bill Oberle
L. Andrew Dunham, Attorney